Welcome to the homepage of Sutton East Extended Services (SEES) Cluster - striving for success in and around schools.
The SEES Cluster is one of the 41 clusters operating across the city of Birmingham. Working in partnership with the local authority, each cluster serves to provide access to support and motivate children and young people to achieve their full potential.
'Extended Schools provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of children, their families and the wider community.'
The Core Offer of the Extended Schools agenda is intrinsically linked to the Every Child Matters National Agenda:
Be Healthy
Be Safe
Enjoy and Achieve
Make a Positive Contribution
Achieve Economic Wellbeing
In order to achieve the 5 outcomes outlined above for the Every Child Matters Agenda, Extended Schools Clusters focus development in the following areas:
A varied menu of activities
Community access
Family Learning / Support
Swift and easy referral